Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How Things Change

So I decided to do this cause I guess it is sort of a modern day "journal" entry. Apparently, we are all supposed to be writing in journals, so I hope this counts. I was a GREAT journal writer until I got married, and then suddenly my life got so much more complicated with things and responsibilities that journal writing just took a back seat. (I'm sure many people can relate.) So, here goes my shot at starting again. We'll see how this works.

I decided to call this "seasons" because I was once in a lecture at BYU where my professor's wife was guest-lecturing and she talked about this topic. She was, like her husband, a well-respected professor and researcher in the field of communicative disorders, but her lecture that day was more about our lives and less about our professions. I was very impressed with her and the balance she achieved between work and family, and how she incorporated the gospel into all of it. She talked about the seasons of our world and said sometimes we wish it was spring, but there are reasons for us not to be in spring just then, and someday spring will come again. And so go our lives...sometimes we are not exactly where we want to be in our lives--whether figuratively or literally--but there are reasons for us being there that we often do not know. We should not wish to be somewhere else, but instead make the best of where we are and know that we will eventually get where we want to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course I don't mind you finding my blog! How are you? I really like the thought that you shared from your professor's wife. I feel like I'm in a season of my life right now that I wish would just be a little different. But it'll change around eventually. And if you haven't, you should check out the pictures on my blog! It's my new boy!